So here's the pregnancy update: I went to see Dr. Snaggletooth last week (@10 wks) for a final u/s and, thankfully, my official graduation to an OB. I was very nervous to go alone, but poor Mr. Foxy was held up at the dentist's office. He was getting a root canal while the ultrasound techie and I were going "oooh! ahh!" over the embryo's little arms and legs. My poor honey.
This week I got to meet my new OB - let's call him Dr. Single-Thin-and-Neat, or Dr.STN. My friend Tasha saw his handsome photo on the hospital website and asked whether I could set her up. Well Tasha, as you might gather from my description, I don't believe he is playing for our team - not that there's anything wrong with that! I even asked whether he was married and he mentioned a non-gender-specific person that he's been with for 6 years. So.. moving on..

Dr. STN is very nice and agreeable - he was suitably impressed with our IVF efforts and the story of Waffle Girl's treacherous gestational experience, what with the dangerous placenta/cord situation and the necessary c-section at 37 weeks. He asked whether I was interested in trying a VBAC delivery (vaginal birth after c-section) and was totally cool when I said "No way!". There was also a quick ultrasound involved, so I got to see Lil' Scrappy with perfect 11 week measurements. *sigh*
I'm going back next week for the 1st trimester screening. Then we'll have 3 weeks without a doctor's appointment. Hmm.. so what will I blog about once the medical stuff cools down? Maybe I'll thrill my bloggy friends with tales of spring gardening.. or the adventures of a sexy government scientist lady. Who knows!?
P.S. the pink flower pictured above is a dictamnus (gas plant) that I grew from seed. The highlight of last year's garden was this 4-year old plant blooming for the first time. Yes, we infertile ladies are a patient lot.