Monday, September 14, 2009

embie implants, but fails to impress

My blood results are in. Drumroll, please..

We got a 42!

Yes, it's a positive. But it's pretty weak for 16 days past ovulation. A really solid pregnancy would have an HCG of 150-200 by now. We're keeping it "cautiously optimistic" until follow-up bloodwork on Wednesday and Friday. The number should double every 2-3 days, so as long as the 42 becomes an 84, which becomes a 168, things may turn out okay.

It looks like the embie that was all spunky and over-achieving in the petri dish is just scraping by now. I realize now that the spotting I had on Friday was probably implantation bleeding. The implantation "window" is between 6-12 days past ovulation. Friday was 13 dpo. Our slacker embie implanted at the latest possible moment!

It's going to be a nerve-wracking week. Let's hope the embie gains some confidence and goes for the gusto. Wish us luck!


  1. YAY!!! My friend got an 18 on her first beta. Can you believe it?! They think that it was just a super late implanter. Trust me there's hope.

    If want to make yourself feel better, here's the link to her site...

    And for good measure, I'll keep throwin' positive energy your way!!

    p.s. It all worked out great for her. Our babies were born a day apart.

  2. Fingers crossed, along with anything else I can cross... :)

    Jennifer (you know, the one from the boards)

  3. Hoping the best for you! It's a step in the right direction!

  4. Crossing fingers for a double tomorrow!

  5. Hope that you see that big number jump tomorrow. Good luck.
